Founded in 1930, the Easton Garden Club is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., and The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., South Shore District.

Mission Statement


The object of this club shall be to advance and encourage the study of horticulture, floriculture, and landscape architecture; to encourage education of gardening and the protection and conservation of natural resources; and to promote civic beauty and roadside improvement in the Town of Easton.


Board Members


Executive Officers

President:  Linda Thomson-Clem

Vice President:  Elaine Barger

Treasurer:  Vivian Bissett

Corresponding Secretary: Ann Trettis

Recording Secretary: Grace Boerman

Committee Chairpersons

Exhibits:  Darya Cotter

Garden Therapy:  Cindy Lemish

Garden Walks:  Open

Historian:  Grace Boerman

Horticulture: Club Members

Hospitality:  Mary Beth Meyer

Membership:  Sharon O’Leary

Program:  Board Members

Publicity and Website:  Lyn Feeney

Non-Board Committee Chairpersons

Design Consultant: Gloria Freitas-Steidinger

Nominating:  Board Members

Scholarship:  Open

Yearbook:  Sharon O’Leary

Conservation: Open